Monday, November 29, 2010

Tootal War Log-in Page!

If you log in to Tootsville already today, you will have seen this! Back in one of my last posts I told you to check out a video that Mayor posted on his blog. The video I wanted you to see was a game trailer featuring a brand new game coming to Tootsville, the Tootal War card game!

As you probably have guessed, this card game is based off the battle between Mayor Louis and his Toot Troop vs. Shade and his Shadows. If you have seen the game trailer, this game looks super cool! In fact, the brand new game is launching FRIDAY!

By the way, joke contest tonight in Tootsville at 8PM Eastern at Toots Idol!


Friday, November 26, 2010

New Club Penguin EPF Field Op Cheats!

A new Field Op is here in Club Penguin! If ya get stuck, I'll help you!

First, log into Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There" to go to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there, click on the Field Ops screen and you will see this:

This week our enemy has damaged the systems at the VR Hologram Quarters (aka. the room in the EPF Command Room that lets you see what the PSA HQ looked like in the past few years)!! Our job is it go to the VR Hologram Quarters room, then find and fix the hologram panel.

Click "Accept Field Op" then waddle into the Transport Tube in the EPF Command Room. Once your in the VR Hologram room, waddle over to the panel I have circled in the picture. When you're in the area, your Spy Phone should start to blink green. Click on your Spy Phone and complete the puzzle! Once you complete the puzzle you will get your medal!

Hope this helped you!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Card-Jitsu Water is Here!!!

THAT'S RIGHT! Card-Jitsu Water is finally here, and the Water Dojo is complete!! Tons of penguins are swarming to the Ninja Hideout to play the game! Unforunatly, I can't show you how to play it... ;( If you get confused on how to play the game, go to Mimo's site or any other penguin's blog.

Just a reminder to Card-Jitsu Ninjas, you HAVE to have the gold amulet to get into the Fire Dojo AND the new Water Dojo. You also do NOT have to be a Fire Ninja in order to be a Water Ninja.

In case you are just becoming a Ninja, to get the amulet, I believe you can buy it in the Martial Artwork catalog located at the Ninja Hideout at the bottom right of your screen.

Anyways, along with Card-Jitsu Water coming early the Club Penguin Times has come WAYY earlier. In the paper, the main topic is about Card-Jitsu Water. Check out the upcoming events:

As you can see from the Upcoming Events, new Card-Jitsu Stamps are out to be earned! Penguins can earn Stamps from Card-Jitsu Water, Fire, and original Card-Jitsu.

The only thing I'm bummed about is the Card-Jitsu Stamps. If you are already a ninja and have moved on to Water or Fire, it looks like you have to start over if we want the stamps. ;(

Have fun with Card-Jitsu Water!!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Toot Troop Rankings!!

What's up fellow Toot Troopians!? If you weren't here tonight on Tootsville, you missed Toot Troop rankings!

Basically, every Toot Troop member ranked up. So that means:

  • If you are a Pledge (first Toot Troop Ranking) you will move to Tyro (second Toot Troop Ranking)
  • Tyro ---> Cadet
  • Cadet---> Scout
  • Sout ---> SSF (Super Secret Force)
  • SSF ---> Guardian
I would like to also announce to some of you who were once Pledges and have now became Scouts. Those toots are Moo230 and Ultimatecatlover!! Congratz to everyone for ranking up!!


PS. Check out Mayor Louis's blog to see an AWESOME game trailer!! (link on sidebar)


Monday, November 22, 2010

Tootsville Joke Contest!

Hey toots! Monday means joke contest in Tootsville! The Jokes are told and now the results are in!

In third place...BDBDBDBDBDB...Bookrock!

In second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Darkangelz!!

And now..the winner of this week's joke contest, Otiekinz!!!

Here are are the other awards given out:

Most original joke: Dashbot

Cutest joke: Moo

Best Dancer: Lilmctootsquare

Most creative joke: Flappy

Congratz to the award winners and the top three winners! By the way, tomorrow Mayor Louis will be ranking his Toot Troop at 8PM Est! I will post the rankings; good luck!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

First Club Penguin Times with a New Design!!

A new and improved Club Penguin Time issue is here! The new look is out! There are two sides to the new newspaper; front and back.

There really isn't much to talk about since we kind of already know whats happening, but the two main topics of this weeks newspaper is Card-Jitsu Water and the paper's new look!

At the very top of the front page you will see the new little section of the paper that Aunt Arctic told us about - the News Flash section! Basically it states the main topic of this issue.

Down the paper a little, you will see the Upcoming Events. In my opinion, I like the Upcoming Events section of the paper the best because it's a little more specific and organized as the old Upcoming Event section.

So how do you like the new design of the newspaper?


Club Penguin Field Op Cheat!

Finally this week's Field Op is here! If you need help, you're at the right place!

Log on to Club Penguin and click on your Spy Phone. Click "Go There" to go to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there, click on the Field Ops screen and you will see this:

We are STILL being attacked! This week's location is at the Everyday Phoning Facility, and we're locked out! We have to repair the locked system - breaking through the EPF security.

Click "Accept Field Op" and click on your map to go to the Ski Village. Waddle into the Everyday Phoning Facility and walk to the front of the room, under the screen. When you're there, your Spy Phone should start to blink green. Then click on your Spy Phone and complete the Field Op puzzle! After that you will get your medal!

Hope this helped!


New V.I.T Lounge and New Tootsville Comic

If you logged on to Tootsville already today you might have seen the newly completed V.I.T Lounge at Toot Square! It's not open yet but it will be very soon!

The V.I.T lounge will be an awesome new addition to Tootsville! Mayor Louis told us that there will be a new multi-player game in the Lounge!!

In case you are new to Tootsville, a V.I.T (Very Important Toot) means that you have a membership to Tootsville. Sorry to all you non-member people ;(

TIP FOR NON MEMBERS: Tootsville's special membership offer is only $19.95 PLUS 7,000 peanuts for a ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP TO TOOTSVILLE!!! (great Christmas present ;D )

There is also a new Tootsville Comic in Superworld! Take a look!

We learn that Cupid has ended up in Shade's home, Shadow Falls! Shade has trapped her! But, according to Shade's rat, Nevermind, Shade and his Shadows have plans up their sleeves!! I wonder why Nevermind wants Cupid to know their plans....


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Wish Box Items in Tootsville!

Hey toots! Just a reminder to keep looking for those wish and shadow boxes! They are still popping up all around Tootsville. If you weren't looking for boxes before, you should now because there are new items that you might get from these boxes.

As you can see in the picture, Greenday and Tootfairy have on headphones!! You can get these head phone in any color! You can also get a chance to get an MP3 player from the wish boxes!! If you look closely, Greenday has one on. It looks like a little box with a blue screen. Again, there are all different colors of MP3 players!

You can also get cool Toot Blockhead Pivitz from the wish boxes.

Here, I got the Cupid Blockhead Pivitz.

Cool stuff in the wish boxes, huh? If you find any other items in the wish boxes put it on your Toot and tell me! I'll take a picture of your Toot and give you credit. If you aren't my buddy on Tootsville then I will keep an eye out for you. :D


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Card-Jitsu Water Party and Hunt!!

A Water Party and a Water Hunt are taking place in Club Penguin, in celebration of Card-Jitsu Water coming to the island on November 25th!! As I have said, there is a Water Hunt! I have the cheats to where to find the hidden items around Club Penguin.

First, before the cheats, go to the Snow Forts to get a free item, the Bucket Hat!!

Also, at the Ninja Hideout, there is construction going on for the Water Dojo!

In the picture I have circled an area. Member ninjas can go down there to help with the construction!

Now for the Water Hunt cheats! Click on the water bucket on the top right of your screen to keep track of your hidden items.

The first item is at the Soccer Pitch on your map. Over by the snacks booth, click on the slice of pizza, and out pops your first Water Hunt item!

Next go to the Town on your map and waddle into the Coffee Shop. On the little coffee table is your next hidden item, the coffee mug!

Next go to the Plaza and waddle into the Pet Shop. Click on the fish bowl beside the pen of puffles. That's your next Water Hunt item!

Next click on your map and go to the Cove. In the Surf Shack, click on the bottle of water to get your next Water Hunt item.

Next click on your map and go to the Town. Waddle into the Coffee Shop again and waddle upstairs to the Book Room. On the bottom left side of your screen you will see your next hidden item, a coffee cup.

Next, waddle out of the Coffee Shop and go next door to the Night Club. Waddle upstairs and on a table you will see a glass of water. Click that and you will get the next Water Hunt item.

Your second to last hidden item is located at the Beach on your map. Click on the shovel and pail!

Your last Water Hunt item is at the Dojo on your map. Outside of the Dojo, click on the circled fish to get your last Water Hunt item.

When you have completed the Water Hunt, you will get a Water Tank Background!

This water party is pretty cool! There are lots of ways penguins can help with the construction of the Water Dojo, plus all of the water flooding the Underground. Speaking of helping out, there are a few new Stamps you can earn! One stamp is to wear your construction hat and jackhammer around any construction site. There is also a stamp for being in the same room as the Sensei, and theres a members-only stamp for visiting all the decorated areas.

Have fun at the water party and happy Sensei tracking!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Card-Jitsu Water Official!!

Card-Jitsu Water is official! Very soon (Nov. 25th to be exact) Card-Jitsu Water is coming for ninjas! To be a part of Card-Jitsu Water, you have to have earned your Ninja Mask, and probably have to be a member too. Also, Billybob tells us that Sensei will be on the lookout for new recruits in the Ninja Hideout!


PS. For some reason there wasn't a joke contest in Tootsville tonight.... Oh, by the way, Pohatcong told me a sweet cheat in Tootsville! Hold down the "Alt" key and click the mouse button. Watch and see what happens!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Igloo Upgrade Catalog Cheats!

Not only is the Better Igloos catalog here but a new Igloo Upgrades catalog is here too!

To get to this catalog, all you need to do is log on and click on the "Home" button on your chat bar. Once you are there, click on the "Edit Igloo" icon, and click on the "Igloo Upgrades" icon and you're here!

First off, check out the awesome new Estate Igloo on page 3 of the catalog!

Now for the hidden item cheats. The first hidden item is on the 2nd page. On the upper right of the page, click on the crow bar lifting up the wood. Here you will find the Secret Stone Igloo cheat!

Your next hidden item is on the 4th page of the Igloo Upgrades catalog. Click on the lights circled in maroon on the Gym Igloo. Here, you will find the Pumpkin Igloo!

Next, click to the 5th page of the catalog. Click the word "Fish" on the Fish Bowl. Here you will find the Bamboo Hut!

The next hidden item cheat is on the next page (page 6) and click on the door of the Ice Castle.

Here you will find the Pink Ice Palace!

The last hidden item cheat is on the last page in the catalog (page 9). Click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo. Here you will find the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo!

Those are all of the hidden item cheats in the issue! I hope I helped you!


Nov-Dec Better Igloos Catalog Cheats!

The Nov-Dec Better Igloo catalog is here! To get to the catalog, click on the "Home" icon on the chat bar and when you're there, click on "Edit Room" button. Then click on the "Buy Items" icon and you're there!

Check out the NEW customizable furniture:

As always in Better Igloo catalogs, there are some hidden items! To find the first hidden item, go to the 2nd page and click on the top of the Iron Chandelier.

Here you will find the Knight Ice Sculpture!

The last cheat is on the next page. Click on the circled area on the Grandfather clock.

Here you will find the Ornate Mirror!

That's all the newest cheats in this issue! For last issues cheats, click here!


Rain and Newspaper News!!

There is a new Club Penguin Times out today! When you log on you will see that it's RAINING!! Take a look!

The Penguin Times says that this is the first rainstorm in Club Penguin history! This is a sure sign that Card Jitsu Water is comin to the island!

So far, the rain hasn't done any damage to the island and the experts say to just enjoy it! The Penguin Times even got a word from Sensei who says "Water from the air. The first time in memory... Yes. We must perpare."

Have fun splashing in the puddles!

The Penguin Times also talks about the new changes coming to the newspaper next week on the 19th. Aunt Arctic tells us a few new changes taking place:
  • The new newspaper will be printed on longer paper, so it won't need as many pages
  • The new newspaper will have a 'News Flash' section for breaking news from the island
  • The new newspaper will be delivered a little later than usual so that the newspaper will have the most up-to-date facts
  • Starting on the next issue of the Penguin Times, the paper will be delivered on Fridays
I can't wait to see the new look of the newspaper! Also there is new Better Igloo and Igloo Upgrade Catalogs! I will post the hidden item in a little bit!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tootsville Fountain Mystery! (Dun dun dun!!!!!)

Hey toots! Check out the fountain in Toot University! The globe is cracked open! But how did this happen? Who did it?

It also looks like there is water dripping out of it...Hmmm... Remember when I posted about the cracking sewer manhole in Superworld? (Click here to see that post) Could this incident and the sewer cracking possibly be connected somehow? HMM!!

What do you think?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tootsville Joke Contest Results!

Hey Toots! It's Monday once again and that means joke contest!! The results are in. Lets see who won:

In third place...BDBDBDBDBDB...Dashbot!

In second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDB...Med and Shader!!

And now...the winner of this week's joke contest is...BDBDBDBDBBDBDBDBDBDB... me, Otiekinz!!!

TootFairy gave out other awards as well:

Cutest Joke: Greenday

Most Original: Naftx

Best Audiance Member: Liloj

Best Sleeper: Conlan

Congratz to all the award winners and the top three winners! Tune in next Monday for more joke contest results!

Also, check out Liloj's blog in the Other Blogs section on the sidebar
He hasn't posted from it in a while but he is back to posting!! He also has a cool contest called Teetle! Check it out!


New Club Penguin Field Op

New new Club Penguin Field Op is here! Stuck? This post will help you!

First, log in to Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There" to go to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there, click on the Field Ops screen and you will see this:

We are still under attack from last week's field op! G has detected that it might be a popcorn device. The device is hidden in a barrel.

Click "Accept Field Op" and click on your Spy Phone again. Click on the Teleport icon on your phone and scroll down until you see Hidden Lake. Click on that and you will be teleported to the underground lake.

Waddle over to the barrel and your Spy Phone should start blinking green. Click on your Spy Phone once more and complete the Field Op puzzle!

Hope this helped you!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Tootsville Comic: Issue 13!

A new Tootsville Comic is here. Check it out:

Yesterday we left off with Sparkle slipping off her safety line! Now Props is telling Sparkle to use her jetpack, and it works!! Smudge's plan is ruined!! Lets hope Shade finds out before Smudge causes any other sneaky plans. ;)


Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Tootsville Comic and the Toot Troop Training Club!!

A new Tootsville Comic is out!

Poor Sparkle slipped off her Safety line!! Remember, in the last few comics, Smudge has greased Sparkle's ring post... Will Props safe her before she's lost in space??

Also Greenday and Darkangelz created a Toot Troop Training Club! Are you a new member of the Toot Troop and you want to rank up?? Join the Toot Troop Training Club (TTC)!! They also have a blog which I have the link on the sidebar. Look under the Other Blogs section and click on the Toot Troop Blog link!


November Penguin Style!

The Penguin Style is out in Club Penguin! This edition has super awesome clothing for the weather outdoors! To get to this catalog, log in to Club Penguin and click on your map to go to the Town. Waddle into the Gift Shop, and on the lower right of your screen is the Penguin Style Catalog! Here are the hidden cheats:

Click to the 3rd page in the Penguin Style Catalog. Then click on the evergreen tree circled in red. Here you will find The Green Vest Outfit cheat!

Click to the next page to find the next hidden cheat. Click on the black-haired penguin's beak. Here you will find the Blue Designer Scarf!

Click to the next page of the catalog for the next cheat. Click on the purple penguin's beak. Here you will find the Pink Designer Scarf!

The last two cheats you will be finding the Red and Blue Viking Helmets! Click to the 6th page in the Penguin Style Catalog and click on the fish (can't see in the picture). Here you will find the Red Viking Helmet!

At the same spot, click on and off the fish a couple times, super fast. Eventually, you will get the Blue Viking Helmet!

That's all the hidden cheats for the Penguin Style Catalog of November! For October's Penguin Style hidden cheats, click here!
