Monday, May 31, 2010

New Stadium and Snow and Sports Catalog cheat!!

Hey! Some other new things that are happening around Club Penguin is the new Stadium! I think its really cool! Alot of snacks, annouser booth, and best of all... FISH DOGS!!

Also notice the Snow and Sports Catalog is on the bottom right corner. Speaking of the Snow and Sports Catalog, there is a new one for the month of May! Sadly, there is only one cheat. To find that cheat, go to the first page then click the soccer ball at the very top of the page that I have circled. Here you will get the Green Soccer Jersey!!

Well, thats all the new stuff in Club Penguin right now! Be sure to check back in June for some more new things! Now for Tootsville in the next post!


I'm back!!

Hey guys! It's good to be back! Thanks to Pandora - Hearts, Naftx, and Shader for all your help on keeping me updated on what has been happening when I was gone! As you already know, on Club Penguin the EPF has come to CP! And THANK GOD its not a members - only thing. But the Elite Puffle is a members only thing. Speaking of EPF, did you enter your code that you got in the Herbert's Revenge game? If you didn't do it now!

Also, today we got a sneak peek from Billybob about the new things coming in June! Here is the sneak peek!

So what do you think? To me it looks like PARTIES and maybe some more things for agents! What do you think?

Once again thanks to Pandora - Hearts, Naftx, and Shader!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reviewed By You

Hey guys! Last week Club Penguin wanted to know the most difficult problem you ever solved as an agent. Rosie906 said:

Well, I know this information is classified, but the hardest mission I ever solved was avalanche rescue. I was allowed to skip it though, so I moved onto the next one. Soon I was finished all the missions except that one! I decided to solve it once and for all. I went to the HQ, and solved the mission! It turned out it was easier than I thought! The trick is not to think too deeply. Be remarkable, be reliable, be ready! Good luck agents!

Yeah! I think that one was tricky too. But it was fun! Anyways Club Penguin saw many penguins on the island helping to build the new HQ for agents. So, this week CP wants to know what you and your freinds are doing to help. Let me know too!


PS. I won't be posting for the rest of the week because I'm going on a trip. If I get the chance I might post. But I will be back Monday! If I miss anything big please let me know in the comments and I will give you credit. =0)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Herberts Revenge is here and EPF online sneak peek!!

Today is the day!! Herbert's Revenge is finally here! Did you buy it yet? I haven't gotten that far in the game yet but so far it is pretty good! But the only thing that really stinks is you have to do old missions from online Club Penguin! I hope we catch that bear once and for all!

Anyways on another note CP gave us an EPF online sneak peek! Check it out!

As I said in the final Herbert's Revenge sneak peek, Agents will get MAJOR upgrades this week on the island. It looks to me in this sneak peek that new agent clothes will be one new upgrade for agents! And obviously another upgrade is the new HQ! Construction is going on in the Ski Village for our new HQ. Check it out!

"Check out the construction that's started at the Ski Village today - you might notice a few important details" from Billybob. A few important details are that the Sports Catalog is now at the corner of your screen. But most importantly the EPF symbol on the ground. But the thing that I am questioning about is (I know you can't see it in this picture) why that crane in the backround is holding a telephone booth. Do you think that we will see or use that phone booth in the future? Also if you don't have a hard hat yet go to the Ski Lodge to get a free one and start building!!

Btw, if you are stuck on a mission in Herbert's Revenge, go to Mimo's DS site for walkthroughs on the game. Click here to go.

Happy CP DS gaming!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tootsville Joke Contest!!

The results are in! This weeks joke contest was AWESOME!! The jokes were really funny too!

In third place of this weeks joke contest is... BDBDBDBDBD... Jammer!
In a tie for second place... BDBDBDBDBDBDB... Pimimimi and me!!
And now... for this weeks joke contest winner is... BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDB... Portislover!!!

Congratz to everyone! (btw, I love your username Portislover, lol) And also I would like to sayhappy birthday to......SWETTIE AND ROSES! Happy birthday! Also happy early birthday to Scamper, which is tomarrow!! Btw, Herbert's Revenge comes out tomarrow too!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Final Herbert's Revenge Sneak Peek!!

Today is the final sneak peek of the new CP DS game, "Herbert's Revenge", coming out on May 25th!! Billybob revealed to us the reason why Veggie Villain and Herbert's Revenge are conncted. He said that the story of Veggie Villain will continue into Herbert's Revenge! He said that all the sneak peek's that we have seen all take place after Veggie Villain.

The Club Penguin Team has been working on TONS of new stuff that will be launched next week on the island. Hmm...I wonder what it will be. Do you think the new HQ will be launched the same day Herbert's Revenge comes out? What do you think will take the place of the Sports Shop? Comment if you have any theories!


Friday, May 21, 2010

New evidence on the Club Penguin Homepage!!

Check this out! At the end of Veggie Villain remember when Dot said about the EPF having to take over (because the PSA is completely destroyed)? Alot of people thought there wouldn't be anymore mission on Club Penguin. But it looks like the EPF is coming to the island and making a new HQ for us! (Which was that sneak peek last Saturday that Billybob gave us.) The CP Homepage has been updated with this disguised looking penguin and an odd looking gadget, which I think was in the DS game. Speaking of this gadget, go to Mimo777 blog to look at it upclose! Billybob sent him a sneak peek!


PS. This is totally random but did you see the Google page today? It's awesome!! You can play it too! Happy 30th birthday Pac-Man! :0)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ski Village mess and hidden messages!!

Yesterday the popcorn explosion surprised many penguins (who aren't a secret agent)around the island! Check out the Ski Village.

And of course the HQ! Thats alot of popcorn!

Check out our To Do List. Notice the letters I circled, EPF (elite penguin force). Hmm... What do you think thats about?

Thats not all, in this weeks Club Penguin Times there is ANOTHER secret agent message! Check it out on page A2, and click on the headline: Social Scene.

So what do you think about all this? What do you think these "plans" are? Is the PSA totally done for?


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reviewed By You!!

The Reviewed By You is in! Last wekk Club Penguin wanted to know what you enjoyed most about the Medieval Party. Purpelia said:

My favorite? Definitely the wizard tower! Me and my buddies play "wizard school", where two people are teachers and the rest are students, and full wizards get wings! My favorite activity is potions, and I like how potions are spilled EVERYWHERE! Those are some messy wizards! Waddle On CP! (PS. I love the arena and the tree forts too!)

Sounds fun!! Since the new mission came out yesterday, CP wants to know the most difficult problum as an agent. Make sure to let me know too!


Tootsville Joke Contest!

Last night we had our weekly joke contest. Here are the results!!

In a tie for 3rd place of this weeks joke contest...BDBDBDBDBD...Swettie and me!
In a tie for 2nd place...DBDBDBDBBDBDBDB... Tilly and Aryananeeka!!
And now... the winner of this weeks joke contest was...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD... Tooter!!!

Nice job everyone and nice jokes too! Congratz to the winners as well.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Veggie Villain Conclusions!!

Hey! Have you completed the new mission? If not I suggested you finish it before reading on....

Anyways if you have completed Veggie Villain I just wanted to share something thats really cool that happens at the end of the mission! Remember the sneak peek last Saturday that Billybob gave us? Well, as you know at the end of the mission, the HQ explodes!! You know what that means?

This sneak peek must be a picture of the soon-to-be HQ!! I was almost right! But theres one question that is still not answered: How does this mission connect to Herbert's Revenge? Aside from meeting Dot and the EPF, is there more to it?


New Club Penguin Mission "Veggie Villain" Launched today!!

The new Club Penguin "Veggie Villain" mission launched today!! Go check it out here!

How do you like it? Is it boring? Amazing? Is there any clues to how this mission and Herbert's Revenge are connected?


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tootsville 8 PM Partay and top secret sneak peeks for avatars!

Tonight was really fun! Louis came and we went to a bunch of worlds answering a question for a toot plush, playing a game, alot of other fun stuff! We also played a game of volleyball! Congratz to all the toots who got a toot plush today!! Be there tomarrow at 11AM and 8PM for some more partayin. As Louis says "We're gonna partay like its 1999!"

In other news, top secret info found on PrimaryGames blog! Take a look!

The top picture is some head gear that Tootsville is planning for our avatars and the bottom picture is a protootype of the new jetpacks that we can wear for Toot Troop!

What do you think about these sneak peeks? Everyday I'm getting more and more excited for June!! What about you?


New Herbert's Revenge Sneak Peek!!

Hello Agents of Club Penguin! It's Saturday! Here is this week's sneak peek:

What do you think this is? It looks like a new room for agents to me. Maybe they're redoing the Command room? (I think that's what it's called, lol... in other words, the room that is behind the cabinet full of clothes in the HQ)

What do you think?

If you live in New York or Los Angeles, your in luck! On May 22nd, at Toys R Us in Times Square, New York and on May 23rd at the Disney Store in Glendale Galleria, Los Angeles, there will be an event to celebrate the New CP DS game!!


Clothes, worlds, and upgrades, OH MY! New things to come in June!

June: A time where Tootsville brings new surprises, games, a fun!! Here are all the new things (and possibly more) that are new to come in Tootsville:

  • Our tool bar will be upgraded
  • Toot Auto will be launching with some awesome cars based on the Toot Characters
  • All toots will have the ability to give gifts and trade pivitz
  • Another laptop giveaway
  • Superworld will be launching at the end of June
  • New clothes, comstumes, and possibly new furniture/wallpapers?

    Isn't this awesome!? I can't wait! What do you think about all of this?

PrimaryGames Partay on Tootsville!

It's partay central in Tootsville this weekend! PrimaryGames is visiting Tootsville and having some awesome parties! Today at 11AM Eastern Mayor Louis and PrimaryGames came on and we partayed. We also got these cool PrimaryGames pivitz!

We pretty much talked the whole time. Louis told all the new things coming up in June (which I will post later) Lemme tell ya, June is going to be a VERY exciting month for Tootsville so make sure your there to see all the new changes!! And if you just heard about Tootsville for the first time from this blog post....REGISTER NOW!!!

Other parties are tonight at 8PM Eastern and tomarrow at 11AM and 8PM! Oh, and by the way, Mayor Louis will be asking a question at tonights partay! The winner will get a toot plush!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Partay in Tootsville this weekend!!

Hey! Check this! Tootsville is having a partay on Saturday and Sunday this weekend at 11AM and 8PM Eastern! It says to collect your partay pivitz. So be there to collect some pivitz!

I wonder what it's for.....

Club Penguin May Furniture Catalog Cheats!

Here are all the awesome new cheats in the Better Igloo's Catalog and the Igloo Upgrades Catalog!! First go to the Better Igloo's Catalog, Click to page 1 and click the blue flower in the flower pot that I circled. Here you will find the Ficus Plant!

For the next cheat stay on this page and click the leaves I circled on the Potted Palm. Here you will find the Poodle Plant!

Next, click to the next page and click on the top middle point on the Royal Throne. Here you will find the Snake Grass Plant!

Stay on the same page for the next cheat. Click on the logo on the Medieval Banner. Here you will find the Bulrushes Plant!

That's all the new cheats in the Better Igloo's Catalog! Next, go to the Igloo Upgrades Catalog and click to page 3. Here you will find a NEW Ice Igloo!

Stay on that page and click on the Blue Ice Castle door and you will find the Pink Ice Palace!

Thats all the cool catalog cheats for this month! Tune in next month for more awesome cheats!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Awesome Tootsville update!!

Check this out!! June is around the corner and it is coming FAST! I hope you heard that BIG changes are coming to Tootsville in June. For starters, Tootsville will be launching screen savers and phone apps!! Also Tootsville is giving away ANOTHER laptop! Some of you toots might have heard it from other blogs but I will tell you anyways. All this month Tootsville will be giving out clues to how we can win the laptop. Here is the first clue:

It's always there we just don't see it. It has a cheesy smile but thats ok. Unfortunatly it sometimes gets overshadowed and it will never be a star!

What do think about the clue?

Also there will be TWO new toot plushes coming out!! Rad and Harmoney! There is also news that one of the original 8 toot plushes will be retiring. :0( Which one do you think it is?

Check Mimo's blog for the FULL details!

My Dog!!

Ok, I know many of you toots in Tootsville wanted to see my dog. (radrocks) Lol! Anyways here she is!

Ain't she a cutie? Here name is Genieve. I named her when I was little. I loved the show called Madeline which is about a french girl who lives with like eleven other girls and Miss Clavel. Well, anyways her little dog was named Genieve! So I decided to name her that.

Yeah, I know, this is tootally random, lol.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Last week Club Penguin wanted to know what the most callenging puzzle you ever solved on CP. Fun Boy Fun said:

The hardest for me was the yeti cave! I got soo confused! With everyone going in a different direction it made me really unsure where to go! I went up and down even with my buddies I got back to the starting line! It must have taken a day before me and my buddies found the yeti cave! It was amazing we skated like we skate at the ice rink! We played until we got really tired! After we left we got yeti costumes as a award!

That was a hard and confusing puzzle! For next weeks Reviewed By You, Club Penguin wants to know what you are enjoying most at the Medieval Party. Let me know too!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Joke contest and Pivit Extootaganza Day 13 and 14!

It's Monday!! You know what that means.... Joke Contest! Here are this weeks results!

In third place of this weeks joke contest was...BDBDBDBDBD...Scamper!
In second place..., Otiekinz!!
And now... the winner of this weeks joke contest was...BDBDBDBDBDBDB... Radrocks!!!

Congratz to the winners and everyone else! The jokes where awesome as always.

Now for the last two days of the Pivit Extootaganza. Last Friday we got the Tango Toot pivit! We hung out with Golden Peanut and watched a movie.

The Extootaganza got delayed on the weekend so we got no Extootaganza pivitz over the weekend. But today, for the last Extootaganza pivit, we got a Mayor Louis Toot pivit! This one is really cool!

Well, thats the last of the Pivit Extootaganza pivitz! Did you get them all? Just to tell you these pivitz will never be given out again so these are REALLY rare!

Tootfairywill be coming at 10PM Eastern to play Wall Of Toots!

Veggie Villain Sneak Peek!!

Billybob gave us a cool sneak peek to the new Club Penguin Mission, "Veggie Villain"!! Check it out!

Billybob spilled to us that the new mission is connected to "Herbert's Revenge" (which is coming out on May 25th). Does this sneak peek link to any of your theories? If so, comment! Remember the new mission will be coming out on May 18th! Start the countdown!!

Also remember the Tootsville Joke Contest tonight at 8PM Eastern in Toots Idol!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Herbert's Revenge Sneak Peek!!

Another Saturday, another sneak peek! This time Billybob gave us a challenge. He wants us to unscramble the pictures of Herbert's Lair.

Cool huh? When you unscramble them, tell me your theories or conclusions! I can't wait for the game to come out!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pivit Extootaganza Day 13!

Today Golden Peanut came and gave us the Picasso Toot pivit. After that we went to the Soccer Field and played many games of May I Cross. Only a couple more days left of the Pivit Extootaganza! Do you have every pivit so far? Are you having fun? I sure am!

Not a very long post, lol

Medieval Partay is here! New catalog cheats!!

The Club Penguin Annual Medieval Party is here!! It's pretty much the same as last year but only there are two quests. Anyway's to get the free item go to thie Lighthouse and go over to the hat, here you will get the wizards hat!

Too bad it's not new. ;o( To get to the new quest's go underground where the "pool" is.

For the Medieval stuff you can buy, go to the Gift Shop and click on the little slip of paper above the May Catalog on the bottum right corner of your screen.

Once your done spending there, go to the May Catalog. There are a bunch of medieval clothing! Here are the hidden clothes! Click till you get to the 3rd page. Then click on the candle stick I have circled for you in the picture. Here you will find an awesome dragon costume!

Next, click to the 4th page and click the pattern on the curtains in the backround. The circled one in the picture is the one you need to click. Here you will find the beautiful wig and dress!

Next, click till you get to the 6th page and click on that brick I circled.

Here you will find the Green Hooded Cloak!

Thats all the newest cheats in the May Catalog! Hope you have fun at the Medieval Party!


Herbert Message in Club Penguin Times!!

Check this! Herbert gave us a hidden Secret Agent note! It's a code! To figure the code out you must take the first letter of each flag's name. To get to the note get out your newspaper and turn to page C7. Then click on the evelopes for Penguin Mail. Here is what is says:

Dear Penguin
Silly Agency
Look Sharp Agent
I'll See You On May 18th
- Herbert P. Bear

That's right!! The new Club Penguin Mission will be here on May 18th!!! I'm soo excited!


Pivit Extootaganza Day 12

Hello! Last night for the Pivit Extootaganza Superstar came and he gave us the Rad Toot pivit! After that we went to the Soccer Field and we played a game called Wall Of Toots. It's kind of like the game Chinese Wall if you ever played that game before. Anyways, what you do is you go to one side of the field. Then, in the middle of the Soccer Field is the half line, it splits the Field in half. On that line there will be taggers. The taggers have to stay on the line in order to tag you. The objective if the game is to cross the line of taggers without getting tag. The last one standing wins and they become a tagger too! It was a pretty fun game!

Check back for tonight's Extootaganza pivit!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy77 interviews Club Penguin Party Planners!!

Happy77 interviews a party planner of Club Penguin!

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Penguins!

At long last... tomarrow the island turns medieval and I've been hearing things will be transformed.

Q: Tell us about the Medieval Party styles and costumes!
A: Well, we tryed making something for everyone! The knights need armor, the noble need fancy threads, and there's something special for those who are really adventurous.

Q: Everyone's been talking about the new members quest - please tell us a secret!
A: Hmm. I can't give it all away, but I'll tell you there is a cavern full of hot sauce, and a creature who breaths fire... You and your friends will be challenged!

Q: Where are some of the places at the party you can't wait to see this year - and the stuff you can't wait to do?
A: For sure we'll be checking out the Pizza Parlor, the Tree Forts, the Lounge that decorated with thrones, the castle at the top of the mountain... but we're really stoked to hear what everyone's the most excited about so let us know."

Sounds fun! Expect some pictures tomarrow on here! This is going to be fun!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pivit Extootaganza Day 11

It's Pivit Extootaganza day number 11!! Tonight we got the LilMC Toot pivit! Tonight Cupid came and we played a game that our one and only Scamper made up! It is called....Times Table Feud!! It's basically just like Tootfairy Feud except its not about Tootsville, its about multiplication. Scamper was host, and Cupid called the names that will have to answer the Scamper's question. It went all the way to multiples of twelve. We played two games, boys vs. girls then we had captains-Radrocks and Swettie . The girls won then Swettie's team won!!
We all got peanuts for prizes! Speaking about that, there will be new items in the mall in three weeks so play some games and go to the wishing fountains everyday!


Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Last week Club Penguin wanted to know what your most looking forward to in the Medieval Party. Matthewmdm3 said:

This year, I an looking forward to the knight's quest the most! That was so fun last year. I remember participating in the quest, and at the end I got a surprise! I am also looking forward to the tree house and the dragon! I enjoy pretending to save the princess with my buddies! when we are done, we go to the "vault" fill of treasures and pretend to take them as a reward.

Sounds fun! Club Penguin says there will be many puzzles in the two quests. So, for this weeks Reviewed By You, Club Penguin wants to know the most challenging puzzle you ever solved in CP. If you have one, make sure to tell me too!

Don't forget to get today's Extootaganza pivit! I will post what happens!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pivit Extootaganza Day 10

Only a couple more days left of the pivit extootaganza! I heard if you get all the Extootaganza pivits Mayor Louis will take you to Toot Ridge.... Tonights pivit was the Zap Toot pivit.

Anyway's tonight was also the Tootsville Joke Contest! And the results are in!!

In third place of this Monday's Joke Contest is...BDBDBDBDBDB...Jammer!
In second place is...BDBDBDBDBDBDB... Scamper!!
And now... the winner of this weeks Joke Contest is...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDB...Pufflegirl!!!

Congratz to everyone! The jokes were really funny! Oh yeah, and Snowcone was the judge! This time he was his old snowy self! It was alot of fun!

Snowcone or someone else will be coming back at 10PM Eastern.