Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Card-Jitsu Water is Here!!!

THAT'S RIGHT! Card-Jitsu Water is finally here, and the Water Dojo is complete!! Tons of penguins are swarming to the Ninja Hideout to play the game! Unforunatly, I can't show you how to play it... ;( If you get confused on how to play the game, go to Mimo's site or any other penguin's blog.

Just a reminder to Card-Jitsu Ninjas, you HAVE to have the gold amulet to get into the Fire Dojo AND the new Water Dojo. You also do NOT have to be a Fire Ninja in order to be a Water Ninja.

In case you are just becoming a Ninja, to get the amulet, I believe you can buy it in the Martial Artwork catalog located at the Ninja Hideout at the bottom right of your screen.

Anyways, along with Card-Jitsu Water coming early the Club Penguin Times has come WAYY earlier. In the paper, the main topic is about Card-Jitsu Water. Check out the upcoming events:

As you can see from the Upcoming Events, new Card-Jitsu Stamps are out to be earned! Penguins can earn Stamps from Card-Jitsu Water, Fire, and original Card-Jitsu.

The only thing I'm bummed about is the Card-Jitsu Stamps. If you are already a ninja and have moved on to Water or Fire, it looks like you have to start over if we want the stamps. ;(

Have fun with Card-Jitsu Water!!



  1. Hi otie!
    Just letting you know to get stamps that u need you just need to play a game of fire/water/normal and you will get the stamps you would've already received
