Well, thats all the new stuff in Club Penguin right now! Be sure to check back in June for some more new things! Now for Tootsville in the next post!
The top picture is some head gear that Tootsville is planning for our avatars and the bottom picture is a protootype of the new jetpacks that we can wear for Toot Troop!
What do you think about these sneak peeks? Everyday I'm getting more and more excited for June!! What about you?
What do you think this is? It looks like a new room for agents to me. Maybe they're redoing the Command room? (I think that's what it's called, lol... in other words, the room that is behind the cabinet full of clothes in the HQ)
What do you think?
If you live in New York or Los Angeles, your in luck! On May 22nd, at Toys R Us in Times Square, New York and on May 23rd at the Disney Store in Glendale Galleria, Los Angeles, there will be an event to celebrate the New CP DS game!!
June: A time where Tootsville brings new surprises, games, a fun!! Here are all the new things (and possibly more) that are new to come in Tootsville:
Too bad it's not new. ;o( To get to the new quest's go underground where the "pool" is.
Next, click till you get to the 6th page and click on that brick I circled.
Here you will find the Green Hooded Cloak!
Dear Penguin
Silly Agency
Look Sharp Agent
I'll See You On May 18th
- Herbert P. Bear
That's right!! The new Club Penguin Mission will be here on May 18th!!! I'm soo excited!
"Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Penguins!
At long last... tomarrow the island turns medieval and I've been hearing things will be transformed.
Q: Tell us about the Medieval Party styles and costumes!
A: Well, we tryed making something for everyone! The knights need armor, the noble need fancy threads, and there's something special for those who are really adventurous.
Q: Everyone's been talking about the new members quest - please tell us a secret!
A: Hmm. I can't give it all away, but I'll tell you there is a cavern full of hot sauce, and a creature who breaths fire... You and your friends will be challenged!
Q: Where are some of the places at the party you can't wait to see this year - and the stuff you can't wait to do?
A: For sure we'll be checking out the Pizza Parlor, the Tree Forts, the Lounge that decorated with thrones, the castle at the top of the mountain... but we're really stoked to hear what everyone's the most excited about so let us know."
Sounds fun! Expect some pictures tomarrow on here! This is going to be fun!