Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Club Penguin WheelBot Field Op!

A new Field Op is here for Club Penguin Agents! Here are the cheats:

Log into Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", then you will be sent to the EPF Command Room. Once you're in there, click on the Field Ops screen and you'll see this:

Our new radar device has picked up a large group of mini-wheel bots! G has ordered us to work together to find the exact spot the bots are heading for.

(Click "Accept Field-Op.)

To complete our task, click on your map and go to the Ski Village. Waddle in front of the Ski Lodge and your Spy Phone should start to blink green. Click on your Spy Phone and complete the puzzle! There is another new puzzle!

We have to enter the x y coordinates to activate the defense cannons! Take a look at this example in the Field Op. The x coordinate is the red cannon. Punch in the number on your keyboard that matches the target (in this case, you would type in 3). Then enter the number for the yellow cannon second (in this case it is 1).

The Field Op is pretty tricky, and to be honest I'm not very good at it so here is what happens when you finish the Field Op puzzle:

(Picture from Mimo777's blog)

You will get this message from Herbert and get your Field Op medal!

I hoped this helped!!



  1. that helped so much!

  2. thank you so much i had no idea where it could have been
