Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Club Penguin Field Op!!

There's finally a new Field Op in Club Penguin!! Here are the cheats!

Log into Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", and you'll be teleported to the EPF Command Room. Once you're in the Command Room, click on the Field Ops screen. You will then see this:

G tells us that the EPF has evidence of Herbert and Protobot using computers around the island for their plans. G is ordering us to search the computers for any unusual programs.

(Click "Accept Field Op")

To do this, click on your map and go to the Mine. Waddle into the Recycle Center and waddle behind the computer. By then, your Spy Phone should start blinking green. You will also see that there is a new puzzle to complete! Here's the instructions:

(Click "Engage")

This puzzle is pretty self-explanatory. To the right of your screen it will show you a complex shape. You have to find that same shape in the pile of other shapes. Hurry up because you only have 30 seconds to find it! Good luck! Here's an example:

Once you have completed the Field Op puzzle, you will get your medal! You will also get this message from Herbert:

Herbert finally realizes that!!! Lol. What do you think their new plan could be?


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