Monday, August 30, 2010

Joke Contest!!!!

Joke contest was tonight in Tootsville! Here are the results and some extra awards!

In a tie for third place....BDBDBDBDBDBDB...Jammer and Ktwirler!
In a tie for second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBBD... Roxie and Vincedevin!!
And now...the winners of this weeks joke contest are...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Agg and me, Otiekinz!!!

And thats not all! Tootfairy also gave out awards such as the best dancer during the dicision making of the top three joke contest winners, the cutest joke, and the most original joke. Here are the toot who got these awards:

For the most original joke: Shader and Iq
For the cutest joke: Blueberrita and Yoshipie
For the best dancer: Basketball-rox and Jadas

Congratz to the winners and the awards people!! Tootfairy will be awarding the same topics next week so dance your best and joke your hardest! Cya later!


1 comment:

  1. Just to tell you that the war thingy is starting on the 1 of september !!! my tootsvile name is kangaBOO
