Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The rest of Moo's Medieval pivits found!!

The rest of the Medieval adventure pivits are found! The ring pivit is in Toot Square beside Toot Burger. Go to where the spot I am standing. If you don't find it there then check behind Toot Burger.

Here is a really cool crown that wasn't shown on the log in page. Cool huh! This pivit is behind the black fence beside Tootlympics. Do you know how to get there? If you don't, here is a hint...fallow the yellow brick arrow on the picture....

That's all for now! Cya in Tootsville!


  1. Thanks!

    Hey maybe we could meet in Tootsville.

    My name is Pandora-Hearts

  2. How'd you figure out the gate thing?

    You must be a genius lol

  3. Lol! The pathway has been there for a while. I'll keep my eyes open for you!
