Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Club Penguin Official Behind the Scenes Video!

Check it out!

I found this video on Youtube and I would just like to share it with you! The video tells some "classified" behind the scenes footage of some of the jobs and work that workers do on Club Penguin! Designing, programming, writing, game testing, or just helping others is just some of the jobs workers do in Club Penguin. In the video, they explain what their job is in Club Penguin and give a little advice if your interested in what they do!

Did you know that Club Penguin had their own Youtube channel?


1 comment:

  1. if you pause it at 31 seconds on the left side it says some secret stuff if you flip it around or take a picture of it and look at it in a mirror it says rockhopper's island and stuff also at 1:47 there is a crab that does not look like klutsy a little after it says operation:blackout
