Friday, March 26, 2010

Fappy is a magic toot!!!!

Have you heard the latest gossip? (lol) Flappy is a magic toot!!! But the thing is SHADE turned her into a magic toot! As you might have already known Flappy is a Shade fallower and is now a spy for Shade. OMG!! Sorry for the caps but remember when I said "What's next? Shade gets a powerful minion?" in the post Lot's of surprised in April? Well I guess I was right! Wow this is weird!

Well on a MUCH lighter note, yesterday Louis announsed some other contests. Later today or tomarrow Louis will post another trivia question: What is Picasso's best friend? So keep checking on his blog for the post. Another contest Louis announced was a blog contest! (I think) the contest is about how creative you are with your blog and some other stuff like that, lol.

Cya later!

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