Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Fool's Partay is here!!!!!

Hey! The fun has just begun in CP!! Here are just some of the jokes around Club Penguin. Go to town and you will see that the Coffee Shop and the Goft shop are invisable exept for the windows and doors! Well, walk into the Gift Shop but notice the door on your way out. Why is there water on the outside of the window? Go through the door...

APRIL FOOL'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It transports you to the iceberg! LOL! Now at the Mine you might want to play a nice game of Puffle Rescue. Think again....

LOL!! In my opinion I think this is the funnest room of all because I hate it when you have to wait to log on to a server or go to a different room and you get a screen like this.---

Are you confused from all this silliness? If you are, it won't end any time soon. (remember that sneek peek CP have us like a week ago?)

Go check the Forest out now!

Have you passed the Dock yet? The April Fool's item is there! Sadly it's not new :0( If you weren't in CP last year all you have to do is throw a "snowballs" at the canvas and eventually you will make a picture! When you have made the picture the item comes up on a spring right beside the canvas.

For the members only room, go to the Snow Forts and go into the door that says The Silly Room. (this room is the sneak peek I talked about yesterday) When you are there, of course you have to EXPLORE!! The free item there is a King Jester Hat.

That's all the silliness tonight. Check back tomarrow for some Tootsville silliness!! Also Shade well try to ruin April Fool's Day and take over Tootsville so keep your eyes open for any tricksters and Shade... By the way Shade took Cupid last night so keep your eyes open for her too. I have a feeling Cupid is not the only Magic Toot Shade will take.......


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reviewed By You, Penguin Play results and April Fool's Day Partay sneak peek!!

This weeks Reviewed By You is in! Last week CP asked us what was the best party you've ever created. Spakelydo said:

The best party I ever had was a camping site right in my igloo! You could steer a ship in the ocean, be on a deserted island, but did I mention the ocean was full of sharks? You could even get lost in the woods. There was alot more, but me and my buddies had tons of fun! Waddle on Club Penguin!

Wow! Thats cool! Camping sounds fun! But getting lost in the woods sounds like the opposite, lol. Remember the April Fool's Day partay starts tomarrow so...CP wants to know a time when you and your buddies went on an adventure. What did you find?
Speaking of April Fool's Day, CP gave us another sneak peek!

Look's awesome, huh! It kinda looks like the dock. I will post any cheats or updates tomarrow!

In other news, the Penguin Play Awards results are in!! Check it out and the voting booth at the plaza.

Wow! The Quest Of The Golden Puffle took almost all the awards! How do you feel about it? Are you surprised? Are you Happy? Go check out the winning play at the Stage right now!

Tata for now!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Guess what happened today! We found the entrance to Shadow Falls! When we found it Shade kept taking our peanuts! Some toots even got trapped and Shade turned their toot colors to black! Here are some pictures I took. This is when Shade trapped Kgirl into the cage type thing in the middle of the picture.

Then when we got Kgirl out, Mayor Louis came and we helped the toots that were trapped, help get out. As far as I know the entrance is still open on server Cupid at the Cove. Go between the skull rock and the black flag where that little opening thats goes to the water. But be cafeful not to get trapped!

This is only the begining of Shade and his April Fool's Day plans to take over Tootsville! So keep an eye out for Shade or any signs of him.

The friday's movie was Popeye Big Bad Sinbag. Go check out! It's super funny. Here was the movie pivit:


Fappy is a magic toot!!!!

Have you heard the latest gossip? (lol) Flappy is a magic toot!!! But the thing is SHADE turned her into a magic toot! As you might have already known Flappy is a Shade fallower and is now a spy for Shade. OMG!! Sorry for the caps but remember when I said "What's next? Shade gets a powerful minion?" in the post Lot's of surprised in April? Well I guess I was right! Wow this is weird!

Well on a MUCH lighter note, yesterday Louis announsed some other contests. Later today or tomarrow Louis will post another trivia question: What is Picasso's best friend? So keep checking on his blog for the post. Another contest Louis announced was a blog contest! (I think) the contest is about how creative you are with your blog and some other stuff like that, lol.

Cya later!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tonight's Adventure

Tonight was fun! First Louis came on and all of us talked alittle. (Art rocks! ;0) ) Then Tootfairy came on with her bro, Golden Peanut. She granted us all wishes! Alittle before that shade came! :0 He said to beware on April Fool's day because that is the day he will try to rule Tootsville! And probably play some mean tricks on us too. But don't let him ruin your tootsville fun! April Fools day will be a blast! Also after everyone left Oak came!! Remember Oak was going to be the next magic toot after Snowcone?? I wonder why he's not big, lol.

New Igoo music and more ,'-B

Hey guys! The thursday newspaper is out! Also a couple new igloo music! Here are the new tunes:

Puffle Recue: Ice Flow
Anchovy Jazz (lol)

Cool! Which one do you like better? I think Anchovy Jazz might be really wierd, lol. Remember to vote on which play you like the best! The last day to vote will be March 28th and the play of the year will be at the stage at March 30th. Right after the Penguin Play awards will be the April fool's Partay! On that day I will give you the wacky cheats in both Club Penguin and Tootsville. Another cool thing in the newspaper is that the Cave entrance will remain open!

Remember the adventure tonight at eight thirty pm. Eastern with Louis in Tootsville! One think I forgot to post yesterday was a Katootal egg hunt will start in Tootsville by April 3rd. Once again I will post the cheats and give credit to those who will help me find them!

I will post about the adventure later tonight!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lot's of surprises in April!!

As you probably already know, this month is a very special month for a very special toot. The Mayor!! Happy birthday Mayor!! The Mayor has been sooo awesomly nice for getting all you non-members a free one month membership. But the Mayor said thats only the first suprise! Theres going to be SO many new things coming! Including Toot Auto, Swettie's new world, Cupcakes new world, Mayor said today that a new store is coming (possibly the Zap Attack store?), and a new toot(s)??? Hmm... What's next? Shade gets a powerful minion? I hope not.

Anyways, Mayor louis is holding a big adventure tomarrow at eighty thirty pm. Eastern time. What do you think it's for? Also some new servers were added to the server list. Also Mayor told us that in the last TWO days 1,000 people registered for tootsville! Wow! That's amazing! Keep telling your friends all about Tootsville!

Cya later!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reviewed By You and Tootsville heads-up!

The Reviewed By You is here! Last week CP wanted to know how you are celebrating the Penguin Play Awards. Yoshi96 said:

Me and my friends are throwing our very OWN Penguin Play awards right in my igloo! I've got the stage, some snacks, a backstage, the velvet ropes, and the red carpets all set up. We're celebrating before the Awards so that we know what to choose during the Awards. By the time that the Penguin Play Awards start, we'll already have our Plays chosen! ;)

Thats awesome! It sounds like Yoshi's igloo is really cool! This week CP wants to know one of the best parties you've ever created.

Now, switching gears to Tootsville. Tootsville commented on my blog post "Monday Joke Contest!!" and said that Mayor's Birthday is coming in April! He's giving a special surprise for non-members!! Thats right! Every toot that signs up (and if you already play tootsville) for Tootsville will get a FREE one month membership! If ya read the comment it sounds like alot of contests are coming up this month so stay tuned!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Joke contest!!

Today's joke contest was fun!! The jokes were SUPER funny! The results are in! Here are the top four winners:

In third place...bdbdbdbdbd...Scamper!!
For a tie in second place...bdbdbdbdbd...Blueaqua and Liloj!!
And now... the winner of this weeks joke contest was...bdbdbdbbdbdbdbdbdb...Ronko!!!

Awesome job everyone!! There will be another joke contest at ten pm. Eastern AND at twelve am. Eastern. Oh yea, and the circus tryouts. The circus tryouts are obviously at the circus. What you do is you play the games in the circus and try to be first place in a game. If you are one of them you can get a cool pivit! So start playing those games! But don't forget about tootylimpics too.


Club Penguin April Fool's Day party sneak peek!!

If you have been in club penguin for years now, you know what to expect when April Fool's Day comes around....WACKINESS!! And it looks like thats what we are gonna get this year too...

No, I did not flip this picture upside down if thats what you were thinking. Just looking at it is making me dizzy, lol. Club Penguin wants suggestions on how to prepare for the April Fools-ness, if you have any suggestions, comment on the Club Penguin blog.

Remember the joke contest and the Circus Tryouts tonight in Tootsville! As always, it's Eight Pm. Eastern! Also, keep watching Mayor Louis's blog for the hints on the trivia question's I posted about yesterday! For easy access, the Other Blogs section is just at the right of your screen. There, you will see a Mayor Louis's Blog link!

Cya there!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

News, news, and more news!!

Ok, I didnt get anything on the Circus Tryouts but I got something WAYY better!! Louis came on for a little bit and announsed some AWESOME news!! Toot Auto is coming soon! He also said something about the toot auto engineers and April Fools day which im not sure why he said that or what it, so my advice is to be cautious of EVERYTHING you do on April Fools day cause you never know..... Anyways, the Toot Event Center is where Toot Auto will be.

Lol! That isn't the only thing thats being replaced in tootsville! Say tootles to....Toot sweets! Yes, Louis also said that Toot Sweets is being replaced with a new, special world......What do you think it could be? Swettie's Katootal Zoo? World full of cupcakes? Let Cupcake know if you have any ideas!

After that, we played a little game of trivia. Louis asked: What is Shade's pet rat's name? What does the MC stand for in the toot, Lil MC? Do you know any of these questions? If you don't your not the only one! No one got those questions! (Frankly I didn't even know shade had a pet rat, lol!) Now here's the tootally awesome thing, Louis will post hints on his blog about the questions on monday. First toot to comment the answer on his blog gets:

If you answer first for the Lil MC question you will get a Lil MC toot plush SIGNED by Louis and all his workers!! :O :O :O :O

If you answer the Shade question right first then you will get Louis's FIRST EVER sketch of Shade!! :O :O :O :O

Wow that was alot to take in at once! Cya later!

Tootsville Circus Tryouts!

Theres a new log in screen on tootsville. This monday there will be Circus tryouts at (Im guessing) eight pm. Eastern. Honestly I don't know why we are having Circus Tryouts, lol. In the mean time I will try to find out why.

Do you have any ideas why we are having Circus tryouts? Do you think we will meet Dottie?
If I do get some info before Monday then I will post, if not then I will post what happens!

Club penguin DS game "Herbert's Revenge" Sneak peek!

Club Penguin Gave us a sneak peek for the new DS game, Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge!! Our main mission in this game is to search the caves to track down Herbert. This sneak peek is one of the new mini games.

It looks like something is in store for secret agents because billybob said...
"I don't want to give too much away yet, but I can say that there are some big things coming up for secret agents"

What do you think those big things can be? What else do you think will be in store for us in the new game?

The game will come out in May sometime.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Penguin Play Awards are here!!

The Penguin Play awards are here!If you haven't checked it out already, go now!!

To vote, go to the Plaza and on the left hand corner there is a little booth to vote. The nominees are...bdbdbdbd... Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal, Ruby and the Ruby, Quest for the golden puffle, Fairy Fables, and Underwater Adventure!! You get to vote for Best play, music, set, costumes and special effects! Whats your favorite play? In the stage at the Penguin Play Awards, there is a backstage for members! Members can chillax and pick up a free video camera!

In the Costume Trunk is some cool cheats! At the front page, clikc on the golden penguin next to the Penguin Play Awards sign. You can buy the Penguin Awards backround!

Then on the third page click on the D on the UnDerwater Adventure sign. There you can buy the lobster Costume!

Then go to page five and click on the VS. on the Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal sign. There you can buy the Squidzoid costume!

Thats all the cheats in the Costume Trunk. Oh and by the way be on the look out for any famous penguins around the island! And while you try to find some famous penguins pick up a free Press Hat at the Dock!

Also at the Ski Hill and the Dock you will find a Interview station and a TV. reporter station.

Have fun at the Penguin Play Awards and remember to vote!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Clover pivit cheats!

Hi St. Patricks Day! Again. lol. The clover pivits are here! I have the cheats!!
First, go to the Arcade and roughly where I am standing is where the pivit is. Here you will get the Cupid pivit.

Go to circus world and go to the wheel on the cart. Where I am standing is where the pivit is. Here, you will find the Zap clover pivit.

Next, go to Big Tree and go to the entrance of the treehouse. There you will find a green clover.

Then, go to the Mall and go to the corner that makes up Dottie's Dresses and a coming soon store. There you will find the Rad clover.

Next, for the bonas pivit, go to the Safari and go a little bit to the left of the bridge where im standing. There you will get a gold horse shoe.

Next go to Toot University and go to the bush closest to the soccer field. There you will find the St. Patricks Day hat.

After that go to the Movies and go in the very back corner where the two blue toots are. The Toots, Lets Make Some Noise sign is where it is. There you will get the flora clover.

Now go to Tootoona and go to the tree where the Map and Toot Camera are covering the top of it. There you will get the pot of gold.

Oh yea, thank you to Waddle458, Mork, and Scamper52596 for helping me find some of the pivits!
Cya later!

Happy St. Patricks Day!!

Happy St. Patricks day everyone! What are you doing to celebrate? Anyways, in tootsville today there will be hidden pivits to find! You can start finding pivits at ten am. Eastern time. I will have full cheats to where the pivit will be and I will give credit to those who help me. Happy Pivit searching!

Remember to wear green! Or I'll pinch you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reviewed By You!

Reviewed by you is in! Last weeks question was to tell our super daring rescue stories. Violet5550 said:

I would get a group of pioneering penguins and together we would make a quest for the missing puffles. We would dress up as safely as we could wearing a helmet and safty jacket then get our super long powered torches and set off into the pitch black caves and hopefully rescue all the puffles and be known as heroes! After that we would relax at the cofffee shop!

That sounds fun violet5550!! Next, CP wants to know how your celebrating the Penguin Play Awards with your buddies! Which reminds me I will add more penguin trackers to the list tonight.

The Penguin Play Awards starts this thursday! (which I probably said like ten times the past couple weeks) ;-)


Monday, March 15, 2010

Todays joke contest results!!

Another awesome monday! The joke contest was just as awesome too! Here are the results:

For a tie in third place in this weeks joke contest is...bdbdbdbdb... Gumdrop77 and me, Otiekinz!

In second place in this weeks joke contest is...bdbdbdbdbdbdbdbd... Jammer!!

The winner...of this weeks joke contest is...bdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbd...Skypie!!!

Congratz to all! The winners got a pivit of their wish. I hope next weeks joke contest is even better! (not saying that this weeks contest wasn't) There will be another joke contest at twelve am. Eastern!


The new puffle game is here!

The new puffle game is finally here!! I suggest going to an uncrowded server and go to the mine and click on the bulletin board and choose a game to play. There is the blue puffle, pink, and black puffle game.
When you pick a game you try to get how many puffles are on that level and bring them back to the black and white checkered floor. When you get there this will happen:

Aw... isn't that sweet? Now, if you are a member, go inside the cave and go through the next door and then go to the door where the members only room is. At the door you will find this sign:

To find the key go to the black puffle game and play the first level but DO NOT bring the puffle back to the starting point. Stay where you are at until you see the shadow of a squid. You have to fallow him. The trick is to use those bubbles that give you air to fallow the squid and you will enter the members room!

There you go! I love this new game don't you?! remember the joke contest tonight in tootsville at eight pm eastern! I will post the results!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sneak peek puffle game!

The new puffle game is almost here! Billybob gave us a sneak peek on what some of the levels look like!

Rockhopper is also leaving today too so play some treasure hunt before he leaves! Wait...don't you think it's wierd that rockhopper is leaving before we find Yarr?? Could this mean that the new puffle game will come out today?! What do you think? If it does come out today I will post some pictures! Don't forget that the penguin play awards start march 19th! Find or buy your fancy clothes!

Also cupcakes throwdown partay is tomarrow in tootsville! I will post what happens.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Igloo catalogs out and puffles!

A new pin is out! By the way, if you haven't noticed, scroll down a little bit and you will see some trackers. I have a rockhopper and a pin tracker. When it gets closer to the penguin play awards I will add more trackers like Gary the gadget guy, Sensi, and Candace and maybe more if i forgot any. Just to let you know i will not be posting where the pins are because of the tracker.

Anyway's, the new march and April Better igloos catallog is out! There is only one page of new firneture this time so here it is:

If you want this clover balloon go to the page that is shown in the picture above and click on the tree stumps face.
Next, stay on that page and click on the rock closest to the ground on the wishing well and you will get this clover garland.
By the way if you go to the Iglloo Upgrades catalog there is a new iggy for St. Patty's day!

In other news, the puffle game is coming out this coming monday. Contrustion workers are needed at the mine because Rockhoppers Yarr has been tracked there! But did you notice the green puffles back in the night club? Even before we saved Yarr and the new game coming up? Very mysterious.....What do you think will happen when we go back into the cave?
More later. See a post about tootsville below!

Last night Sparkel adventure and toot camera is out!!

Hey! Last night in tootsville Superstar came and we played a marathon! A marathon is where you play the tootlympic games that superstar says, when we are done we tell Superstar our scores. At the end, super adds up our scores and see who are you top four highest scores. The top four people got the lips pivit on the sparkel adventure.

In other news, TOOTS CAMERA IS OUT! WoOt TOoT! Heres a test pic:

Wow! The chat box is awesome! I love this! Much better quality, lol!
Mayor louis is coming tonight for another spakel adventure! At eight Eastern!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Last night Sparkel adventure and some super tootally awesome stuff coming to tootsville soon!

Hi! Last night in tootsville mayor louis came and played some duck duck toot with us! Duck duck toot is the same thing as duck duck goose (in case you didn't know). Afterwards we got the cash register pivit that is circled in red on the picture above.

In other news, some super fun stuff is happening in tootsville the next couple of weeks!! Toot camera is coming out this thursday!! Also a super sneak peek of.......A auto shop!!!! Thats all im gonna say. You want to learn more about it? Go to mimo's site:

if we have a sparkel adventure thing tonight i will post about it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reviewed by you!

The reviewed by you is in! Last weeks question was what was your bravest underground adventure you have ever been on with your buddies. Pengoozle said:

"My friends and I went exploring for the lost caves of the dreaded Squidzoid and the terrible Fishzilla! lol We would waddle around pretending to be fallowing a trail or map and then we'd go underwater and one of us would hide dressed as Squidzoid or Fishzilla and jump out! Can't wait for the underground to open up again!!!!"

Me niether! The cave was awesome! Especially the members room! I can't wait to see whats in store when we open the cave and hopefully find the missing puffles! This weeks question, CP wants to know your super daring resue stories! What are your resue stories?


Monday, March 8, 2010

Joke contest results!

The results are in! Who won this weeks joke contest? The world may never know!.....UNTIL NOW!

In third place...bdbdbdbdb.....Fedrick!!
In second place...bdbdbdbdbdb.....Jadacool!!!
And now... the winner of this weeks joke contest is....bdbdbdbdbdb.....Vincedevin!!!!

Congratz to all! The jokes are awesome! Remember during the joke contest the only people who should be on stage is the host (aka Superstar, Louis, Snowcone, Tootfairy or others) and the toot that they call to tell their joke. Please also remember to be nice and respectfully when people are telling their jokes! There will also be another joke contest at twelve am. Eastern time.

Be at tootsville tomarrow for another sparkel adventure pivit at 8pm. eastern! Cya there!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New game update!

Remember the new game I briefly talked about in the past posts, March Is Here! Lots Of Exciting Things Happening In Club Penguin And Tootsville!,...? Well we now learned that the new game will be located at the cave! Have you noticed that some puffles are not where they're supposed to be? For example the green puffle in the night club on the speaker that dances, obviously Yarr, rockhoppers puffle, and the yellow puffle that is hided somewhere at the stage set. All are gone! But where? The cave? Maybe! I guess we will have to find out when the game comes. Speaking of that, the game will come out sometime later this week.
Here's a cool banner about the game! It's about resueing puffles and SHARKS! Cool! Another puffle game!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rockhopper here and new clothing catalog cheats!

Hey! Rockhopper is here finally! Check out the cool stuff you can buy!

Cool! Also if you read the newspaper you will see that yarr is missing! Rockhopper said not to worry, it'll be a big game of hide and seek! Cool, so i guess keep your eyes out for Yarr and even rockhopper. As i told you the cave is reopening soon, if you go the mine you will see this: you think Yarr went into the cave to explore? Whats with the yellow puffle at the entrance? Post a comment if you have any thoughts!

In other news, the new clothing catalog is out for March are here are the cheats! On page three for this top hat, click the stack of cups.
Still on page three, click the group of water bottles.

This tux you can buy on the next page. In the backround (you can't see it in this picture) you click on the news camera.

Thats all the new cheats for this month. Hurry and buy a tux or dress for the Penguin Play Awards starting March 19th. Make sure to vote! And look for rockhopper too!
