Yep, theres his ship.....anyways it takes rockhopper about a week to get here so expect RH here next week. Which leads me to my question, why is he coming? If you have an idea then comment now!!!
In other news, silly me didn't post the Reviewed By You question last week. Last weeks question was what sports do you and your friends like playing the most around the island. Wurmpul said: I play sports with all my buddies we do soccer, ice hockey,football and sometimes basketball. Mostly our teams are red and blue but sometimes we go crazy useing green and black. When we get tired we go to my igloo for some penguinade and jump right back up for some more.
Cool! I like penguinade! So now club penguin wants to know what you like to do to welcome Rockhopper to the island. Sense he's coming and all.
Ok, at the title of this post it said RANDOMNESS! And let me tell you, this is toteally random,lol. When i logged on to get a pic. of rockhopper coming there was a HUGE crowd of penguins. And i mean HUGE! They were having a war, blue worriors(blue) againest the taco's! (orange) lol!! They kept moving locations, when i got there they were at the beach. Then they moved to the dojo, then to the mine shack. This was super funny!
Lol! soo yea...................
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