Monday, November 7, 2011

Fro and Rockers in Tootsville!

 New items are in the Tootsville mall! You can head over there by going to Toot Square.

Once you're in the mall, walk into the Fashion Store and right away you will see these new Rocker Tees.

Click on the Accessories option on the lower part of your screen and you will see these awesome new Fros!

Also, these Rocker Outfits have been in Tootsville for a few days now. But if you didn't know, you can get these outfits at the Haunted House! Hurry before the house leaves!

These new items are Tootally Frotastic! There will be more items coming to Tootsville in the near future, so stay tuned!



  1. lol they are funny new clothes!!!!!!!

  2. Otie. someone named shadow.slayer has jack in tootsville.he gave jack to shade.he also caught pohat,but pohat escpaed.

  3. Jack did not escape and we do not know where he is. Look for Shade to find answers!!!

  4. There's like no one on when I come on. Just me and Med. Do people come earlier now?
