Friday, April 15, 2011

New Club Penguin EPF Field Op!

 A new Field Op is here for EPF Agents! Here are the cheats!

First, log into Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", and you'll be teleported to the EPF Command Room! Once you're in the Command Room, click on the Field Ops screen, and you'll see this:

A few Field Op posts ago, Herbert hinted about "striking" at the next party on Club Penguin! Well now that the newspaper has announced the party, we know for certain that Herbert will strike!! G wants us to work together to scan the island for any odd radio signals.

(Click "Accept Field Op")

To complete our task, click on your map and go to the Iceberg (hidden on your map). Once you're there, waddle around the area right above your Spy Phone. In that general area, your Spy Phone should start to blink green. Click on your Spy Phone and complete the Field Op puzzle! Once you've completed the puzzle, you will earn a medal and get this radio signal message:

Total Devastation?!?!? Keep your eyes peeled on April 21-26!!!

I hoped this help you!



  1. hi otie
    how is it going ??
    im back again

  2. I'm pretty good, thanks! How are you? Did you go on vacation or something?

  3. im fine thx. actually no but i just was busy with my homework and friends. i did not open my laptop for a long time !
    well cant wait to know whats going on in tootsville

  4. hi people this is great
