Monday, May 16, 2011

Introducing the Tootsville Herd Herald!! UPDATE

 Hello Toots! Tootsville has created their very own newspaper, the Herd Herald!! You can check out the newspaper in Toot Square on the map next to the bulletin stand under the Arcade sign. (Thanks Fire!)

(Sorry if this picture is hard to read....)

One thing I want to mention in the paper is this scavenger hunt riddle Mayor Louis has given us!

 Here's what it says if you can't read it:

To find this gift you must look high not low. Shining in the Toot sun, a special item will show. It sits between a river's bank. Stay off the ship or you'll walk the plank. Look real close for you in disguise. You'll find a very big toot surprise. Happy hunting! 

UPDATE: Here's another hint: The place where you will find it is where Mayor Louis keeps us out of Shade's ways....

Good luck!!

I myself don't know where it is yet, but I can tell you now that you shouldn't take this clue too literally....(meaning it's most likely not in the Cove.) But, I guess I could be wrong....
