Hey toots! In celebration of Snowcone coming back to Tootsville, he has hidden 12 pivitz around Tootsville and he has presents popping up all over! I found one in Toot University. Here's what you want to look out for:

Like I said, Snowcone hid 12 pivitz. I have the locations of where to find them!
The first hidden pivit is at the Soccer Field. To get here, click on your map and go to Toot University. Follow the arrow on the Soccer Field sign, and you're here! Walk over to the bottom right of your screen and you will see your first pivit, the Rad Signature Guitar Pick Pivit!
Next click on your map and go to Dinoland. Behind the shrubs is your next pivit, the Dottie Signature Guitar Pick Pivit.

Next, click on your map and go to Big Tootoona. Under the Surf's Up shack, is the pivit you're hunting for, the Toot Touch Pivit.

Next, click on the Toot Square button on your Nav Bar. Right above Toot Burger is the Green YoYo Pivit!
Next walk next door, past Toot Burger into Square West. Leaning against the wishing fountain is your next pivit, the Tooter Scooter Pivit!
Your next hidden pivit is at the Toot Your Horn Auto Shop. To get here, all you have to do is click on your map and go to Toot Motor Speedway. There, you will see the Toot your Horn Auto Shop sign. Walk under that and go up the ramp. Near to the Superstar car is the Moo Signature Guitar Pick Pivit!
Next, click on your map and go to Studio T. Beside to the runnin man is your next pivit, the Cupid Signature Guitar Pick Pivit!
Now, click on your map and go to the Arcade. Next to the prize counter, you will the Bubblegum Necklace Pivit.
Walk out of the Arcade and into TootMall. Walk up the stairs and outside of the Pivit Pals store is you next pivit, the Ballet Outfit Pivit!
Your next hidden pivit is at Toot Cove on your map. Right above the Nav Bar toot head button is the Zap Signature Guitar Pick Pivit!
The second to last hidden pivit is at Toots Idol on your map. To the right of the red curtain is your next pivit, the toot DVD Player Pivit.
Last, but soo far from least, is the Ant Farm pivit which is located on your map at Moon Base T. The pivit is right next to the Science Lab building.
Whew! That's all 12 pivitz! I hope this guide helped you!
Also the Ice Castle is opening this Friday!! What's the Ice Castle you ask? Well, every Christmas, Snowcone opens a really awesome new room called the Ice Castle. To get there, you go to Square West on your map and into the Toot Event Center. Last year, members could buy Christmas Trees, and even a stove to keep your house warm during the winter! Inside the castle, it was covered inbeautiful, sparkely ice (hence its name)!! There was also a humongous santa sack where you could get a Christmas Pivit everyday, just like we could get a Halloween Pivit from the cauldron for Halloween everyday.
I can't wait till the Ice Castle opens!!
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