This weeks Club Penguin Times is here! With the Holiday Party coming to a close, New Years happiness is in the air!

Club Penguin has kicked off their New Years festivities with fireworks at the Ski Hill! This year in Club Penguin was pretty awesome! Lots of things came out this year like Stamps, Orange puffle, Card Jitsu Water, and also even a couple video games! What was your favorite memory of 2010 in Club Penguin?
Also in this weeks paper, is the second round of winners and runner-ups for the Deck the Halls Igloo Contest! Here are the Grand Prize winners who will receive 50,000 coins:
Rock Boy 888
Ice Star103
Cutey Poo
8 Meg 2000
Here are the runner-ups who will receive 25,000 coins:
Congratulations to everyone who had their name and/or igloo shown in the Club Penguin Times!
Here are the upcoming events in Club Penguin for the first 2 weeks of January:
On January 5 we get to find out how much Club Penguin donated their coins for Coins for Change! Which reminds me, in the News Flash section of the Club Penguin Times, Rockhopper has left us a note saying: "Yar har, me hearties! I never saw so many coins in me life! Ye done this Captain proud, fair winds!"
Speaking of the newspaper, roll your mouse over Aunt Artic's glasses. You will find something SHADY!