You can find a few hidden pivitz in Holiday World (located in Square West on your map)! First of all, there's a new pivit in the santa sack in the Ice Castle.

This time, you will get the Frosty Hat Pivit! Check back sometime tomorrow for the next Snowcone Holiday Bag pivit!
As I was getting the santa sack pivit, I also spied a few new pivitz hiding around the Ice Castle and the outside. The first one I found was right next to the santa sack.
Hiding in the corner, leaning on the pole you will find the Rudolph Pivit!
Another one I found was right next to the entrance of the Ice Castle. Right when you enter the castle, look to the right and you should see a little toy soldier on the Christmas tree.
When you walk next to it, you will get the Toy Soldier Pivit!
Walk outside of the Ice Castle and go on the top part of the Ice Castle.
In the general area of where I am standing , is where you will find the Jack In The Box Pivit! How do you get up there? Well, that's what you have to figure out! TIP: click EVERYWHERE!
Once you have figured out how to get on top of the Ice Castle, you also have to figure out how to get this pivit:
The Laughing Snowball Pivit is to the left of the Ice Castle!
Good luck reaching those pivitz! ;) Also if you find another hidden pivit that I haven't posted already, please post a comment telling me where and I'll give you credit!
By the way, tomorrow Tootsville is celebrating Darkangelz one year anniversary tomorrow at 7PM Eastern time at the Ice Castle.
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