Tootsville has launched a new pivit hunt! If you read my last post about Tootsville, I told you about Targ's footprint in Toot Square. Well, now there is an ogre pivit hunt! (I can't remember if I mentioned this is my last post, but if I didn't, Targ is an Shrek) Here, I have the locations to all the Ogre Pivitz, there are 5 of them.
You will find the first Ogre Pivit in Toot Square. By the wishing fountain, you will see a club. Click on that and you will get the Ogre Club Pivit!

The next Ogre Pivit is at Big Tootoona. Walk under the Volleyball sign to go to the Volleyball court. In here you will see a bone below the blue sand bucket. Click on the bone and you will get the Ogre Snack Pivit!
Your next pivit to find is at Toot Castle. Walk to the wooden door that leads you to the room with all the tents in it. In here, you will see a tooth! Can you guess whose tooth that might be? An ogre tooth!! Click on it and you will get the Ogre Tooth Pivit!
Next, go to Toot Cove. When you get there don't go into the ship. Stay where you are and you will see a broken branch just beside the Nav Bar Toot head. Click on that branch and you will get the Broken Branch Pivit. But wait!! Before you click "Ok", look at the caption!! Hmm! Maybe some lucky toots with find Targ!
For the next Ogre Pivit, go to Moon Base T. On the Tootstronomy building you will see what looks like a big, skinny cheerio! ;) Click on that and you will get the Ogre Nose Ring Pivit!
That is all 5 Ogre Pivitz! I hoped this helped you!
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