The new puffle game is finally here!! I suggest going to an uncrowded server and go to the mine and click on the bulletin board and choose a game to play. There is the blue puffle, pink, and black puffle game.

When you pick a game you try to get how many puffles are on that level and bring them back to the black and white checkered floor. When you get there this will happen:

Aw... isn't that sweet? Now, if you are a member, go inside the cave and go through the next door and then go to the door where the members only room is. At the door you will find this sign:

To find the key go to the black puffle game and play the first level but DO NOT bring the puffle back to the starting point. Stay where you are at until you see the shadow of a squid. You have to fallow him. The trick is to use those bubbles that give you air to fallow the squid and you will enter the members room!

There you go! I love this new game don't you?! remember the joke contest tonight in tootsville at eight pm eastern! I will post the results!
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