The best party I ever had was a camping site right in my igloo! You could steer a ship in the ocean, be on a deserted island, but did I mention the ocean was full of sharks? You could even get lost in the woods. There was alot more, but me and my buddies had tons of fun! Waddle on Club Penguin!
Wow! Thats cool! Camping sounds fun! But getting lost in the woods sounds like the opposite, lol. Remember the April Fool's Day partay starts tomarrow so...CP wants to know a time when you and your buddies went on an adventure. What did you find?
Speaking of April Fool's Day, CP gave us another sneak peek!

Look's awesome, huh! It kinda looks like the dock. I will post any cheats or updates tomarrow!
In other news, the Penguin Play Awards results are in!! Check it out and the voting booth at the plaza.
Wow! The Quest Of The Golden Puffle took almost all the awards! How do you feel about it? Are you surprised? Are you Happy? Go check out the winning play at the Stage right now!
Tata for now!
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