A new Tootsville Comic is out today! Take a look! The newest shadow, Welduh is up to no good and has sneaked her way into the Toot Troop HQ!! By the way, congratz to Toot Troop Squad Leaders! Together we will bring Shade and his Shadows DOWN!!

Have you logged into Tootsville yet today? Is everyone purple on your screen? Some toots say that their screen is normal but others have this on their screen:
Everyone is purple and our chat is way above us! Another thing that's new around Tootsville is Targ's footprint in Toot Square! Walk to the footprint and you will get this pop up:
In case you don't know who Targ is, Targ is an ogre that is one of Shade's top minions. It says if we find Targ anywhere in Tootsville and if we get a picture of him, we should send it to Tootsville and we will get a toot plush and special surprise!
Good luck finding Targ and comment if everyone is purple on your screen!
mine is too anbd i told tootsville about it and its getting anooying