Last weeks Reviewed By You Club Penguin wanted to know what your favorite role to play in a band was. 472yellow said:
I personally like all the positions, but i like playing the tuba. The tuba is so unique because it's THE BIGGEST INSTRUMENT EVER! I also like rocking out with the tuba because all my friends laugh and pretend to throw tomatos at me. Then, i have to run backstage with my big tuba. Then we take our instruments and go to pizza parlor for candy pizza!

I personally like all the positions, but i like playing the tuba. The tuba is so unique because it's THE BIGGEST INSTRUMENT EVER! I also like rocking out with the tuba because all my friends laugh and pretend to throw tomatos at me. Then, i have to run backstage with my big tuba. Then we take our instruments and go to pizza parlor for candy pizza!

Lots of penguins have told CP that they are excited about having a pin collection in your Stamp Book. So for the next Reviewed By You, CP wants to know which pin is your favorite out of all the ones you have collected so far. Tell me too!
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