That's not the only catalog coming out very soon, starting July 19th there will be a NEW catalog in the Lighthouse!! In this catalog it looks like members can buy insturments! Oh, and btw, you can buy new instruments in the Music Catalog at the Backstage.

If you haven't taken a look at the new Penguin Times yet today, there is this advertisement on page A7:

What do you think will happen on July 26th? The new collectibles come out then? Do you think the penguin on the surfboard means something?
In other news, the collectibles sneak peek has updated! Two of the collectibles have changed from the question mark to a crab stealing coins and a penguin dancing! Where have you seen those around the island.....?

Tell me what you think! Also the Penguin Band has taken a break from their awesome playin at the Iceberg, so you know what that means...Time to look for the Penguin Band!!!!!
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