Hey Toots! Cupid came tonight to play a game with us! The game was a combonation of May We Cross, and Tootfairy Fued. We played as boys vs. girls, girls on one side of the Soccer Field and boys on the other. What we would do is Cupid would call a boy and a girl up to answer a trivia question. Which ever toot got it right first, boy or girl, means that their team is safe and they get a point, just like Tootfairy Fued. This means the other team will be "taggable" which means that the team who lost the question has to get passed the taggers, just like May We Cross. After the crossing the team who won the question can cross safely. Then it starts again and goes until a team gets all their players out or a team gets to ten points.
After the first game we decided to play again but we didn't get very far. Right in the middle of a question Cupid dissappeared and Shade came! He said that he stole Cupid and that we should tell the Mayor that if he wants her back Louis has to surrender and make Shade the Mayor of Tootsville!
Heres a picture:

After the first game we decided to play again but we didn't get very far. Right in the middle of a question Cupid dissappeared and Shade came! He said that he stole Cupid and that we should tell the Mayor that if he wants her back Louis has to surrender and make Shade the Mayor of Tootsville!
Heres a picture:

My guess is he will probably be back tonight so be on the look out for Shade and his portal to Shadow Falls.
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