Another Penguin Style is here and I have the hidden cheats for you! Here they are!
Log into Club Penguin and go to the Town. Waddle into the Gift Shop and click on the Penguin Style catalog at the bottom right of your screen. When you are there click to page 3. Click on the lime green penguin's beak and you will find the Frankenpenguin Costume!

Stay on that same page and click on blue penguin's beak and you will find the Frankenpenguin Head to go along with your costume!

Click to the next page and click on the ghost's face circled in maroon. Here, you will find Crook and Flail!
Click to the next page to find red and blue Viking Helmets! To get the Red Viking Helmet, click on the pumpkin circled in yellow.
To get the Blue Viking Helmet click on and off the same pumpkin a few times. You might need to try a couple of times to get it.
That's all the hidden cheats in this catalog! I can't wait to see what kind of costumes Tootsville will have! Oh, and by the way... If you're a nonmember on Tootsville, did you know that nonmembers can buy Sparkle Clothes? Try it!