It's Monday once again! The joke contest results are in!
In third place of this weeks joke contest....BDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Basketball-rox!
In a tie for second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD.... Greenday and Jadas!!
And now....a three way tie for first place of this weeks joke contest...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD... Vincedevin, Pohatcong, and me, Otiekinz!!!
Congratz to everyone! Winners got 1,000 peanuts! Also if you look in TootSquare the covered bridge has been ruined!

It looks like a tornado went through it! A shade tornado that is. Yep! You guessed it! Shade did this! According to Shade and his shadows, this path that once stood the Tootsville bridge is now a path that will be soon leading to a place called the Shadowlands! It looks like this battle between Louis and Shade has come early! Shade said that he has another surprise in store for us tomorrow.... BOO SHADE!!!!
Oh in other news, if you look to the construction area it has updated! It looks like the door is built and there is another free item! Greenday (aka. Shadow Claw) told me that this new building will be a place for VITS to hang out! I can't wait!
its shadow claw so plz fix it and u need to add tht im a shadow lol sorry