Joke contest was tonight in Tootsville! Here are the results and some extra awards!
In a tie for third place....BDBDBDBDBDBDB...Jammer and Ktwirler!
In a tie for second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBBD... Roxie and Vincedevin!!
And now...the winners of this weeks joke contest are...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Agg and me, Otiekinz!!!
And thats not all! Tootfairy also gave out awards such as the best dancer during the dicision making of the top three joke contest winners, the cutest joke, and the most original joke. Here are the toot who got these awards:
For the most original joke: Shader and Iq
For the cutest joke: Blueberrita and Yoshipie
For the best dancer: Basketball-rox and Jadas
Congratz to the winners and the awards people!! Tootfairy will be awarding the same topics next week so dance your best and joke your hardest! Cya later!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Club Penguin New Field Op!!!
A new Field Op is here in Club Penguin! Here is the walk through on how to do this weeks Field Op:
Log in to Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", this will take you to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there click on the Field Ops screen and you will see this:
Log in to Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", this will take you to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there click on the Field Ops screen and you will see this:

Click "Accept Field Op" then click on your Map to go to the Snow Forts. Waddle over to the blob penguins under the target on the Clock Tower and your Spy Phone should start blinking green. Click on your Spy Phone and solve the puzzle! After you solve the puzzle you will get your medal.
Remember the joke contest tonight at Toots Idol, 8PM Eastern time in Tootsville!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Have any questions about Club Penguin: Game Day! ?

You've probably heard about Club Penguin's newest video game, Club Penguin: Game Day! right?Club Penguin's Happy77 spills to us that some of the people who helped make Club Penguin: Game Day! will be answering some question that we have about the Nintendo Wii game. If you have a question about the game you can comment on Happy77's post and they will pick a few questions for them to answer! They will post the answers next Sunday. Have you seen the Club Penguin: Game Day trailer? If not, click here!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Club Penguin Art For Haiti Winner and The Fair!!!!
The votes are in for the Art For Haiti project! Here is what we all voted for!

It looks like.....BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDB.... Option D won!

Congratulations to Mickey1216!! This penguins drawing will be a mural on the new school built in Haiti! Wow! Thats awesome!
In other I've told you before, the annual Club Penguin Fair is coming to the island! The fair will start on September 3rd and last till the 12th! If you haven't looked through the Beacon's telescope lately, it looks like Rockhopper is coming to the fair as well! I can't wait for the fair! I hope there will be new prizes to win.

Tootsville T-Shirts!!!
Sorry this is a day late! School is keepin me busy.... Anyways you might have seen the new log in page.

The Log in page says it all! To get the T-shirts all you have to do is log in and go to Toot Square. Walk into the Mall and right away you will see this stand! You can buy the tees from here or you can go into the Fashion Store. When you buy the tees go into the Fashion Store and click Accessories.

Here you can buy some rockin shades! Happy Shopping!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Club Penguin Art for Haiti Finalists!

Club Penguin has announced the top four finalists for the Art for Haiti Project! Now it is all up to us! Here are the artists who designed these beautiful masterpieces: Bella Stars, Mochileiro 7, Cadogs, and Mickey1216!! Congratulations to those people! They did an awesome job! Remember, the top drawing out of these four will be painted as a mural at the playground at the brand new school in Haiti! Which one do you like best?
Tootsville Ranking Badges!
Mayor Louis has announced that both Toot Troop and Shadows will have rankings! Very soon Mayor Louis will announce who is in Toot Troop and each toot and shadow will be put into a ranking spot. Here is what it all boils down to:

Rankings for Shadows:
- Pleeb
- Flunky
- Stooge
- Gloomer
- SSW (Secret Shadow Walker)
- Phantom

Rankings for Toot Troop:
- Pledge
- Tyro
- Cadet
- Scout
- SSF (Super Secret Force)
- Guardian
Soo....which side are you on? Vote on my poll to the left! ---->
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
New Toot Troop and Shadow T-shirts!

Pohatcong's Party
Ok. Pohat REALLY wanted me to post about this so here it is. If you don't know already Pohatcong is having a party called the " shadow all evil party" He quotes "all goodie toe shoes will have a surprise. Superstar and Shade MUST be there!" Apparently goodie toe shoes means your on Mayor Louis's side, LOL! He says that all who attend will get a prize, "goodie toe shoes" and shadows will get different prizes.... This party will be at 7 PM Eastern Time today in Toots Idol so be there....I guess....
Monday, August 23, 2010
Joke Contest!
It's Monday once again! The joke contest results are in!
In third place of this weeks joke contest....BDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Basketball-rox!
In a tie for second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD.... Greenday and Jadas!!
And now....a three way tie for first place of this weeks joke contest...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD... Vincedevin, Pohatcong, and me, Otiekinz!!!
Congratz to everyone! Winners got 1,000 peanuts! Also if you look in TootSquare the covered bridge has been ruined!

It looks like a tornado went through it! A shade tornado that is. Yep! You guessed it! Shade did this! According to Shade and his shadows, this path that once stood the Tootsville bridge is now a path that will be soon leading to a place called the Shadowlands! It looks like this battle between Louis and Shade has come early! Shade said that he has another surprise in store for us tomorrow.... BOO SHADE!!!!
Oh in other news, if you look to the construction area it has updated! It looks like the door is built and there is another free item! Greenday (aka. Shadow Claw) told me that this new building will be a place for VITS to hang out! I can't wait!
New Club Penguin Field Op!
A new EPF Field Op is here! Here is the walkthrough on how to complete this weeks field op:
Log in to Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", this will take you to the EPF Command Room! Once you are there waddle over to the Field Op screen. Click on it and you will see this:
Log in to Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", this will take you to the EPF Command Room! Once you are there waddle over to the Field Op screen. Click on it and you will see this:

We must search the island for a speaker that has been rigged to cause "serious damage"!

That speaker is in the Lighthouse! To get to the Lighthouse, click on your Map and go to the Beach. Once you are there, waddle into the lighthouse and waddle over to the speaker on the left side of the Map and your Spy Phone. When you are there, your Spy Phone should start blinking green. Click on your Spy Phone and complete the puzzle! When you complete the puzzle you will get your medal.
After you've done your field op for the week go back to the EPF Command Room. Get a penguin to sit in each chair of the table and something cool will happen!

When a penguin is sitting in each chair a movie will start on the big EPF screen! In this picture it looks like it shows EPF transport tubes! the clip and tell me what you think!
Prizes To Win, Partay's, and More!
Hey toots! Here is the buzz thats been going around these past couple days! You know Tootsville LOVES to give things, right?! Well theres some pretty awesome prizes that will be given out soon! In a kids magazine called Friends there is a two page spread on Tootsville! On it, you can have a chance to win a laptop!!

Another prize that you have a chance to win is a Nintendo Wii!! Tootsville is having it's We Care Days!

In the We Care Days there will be loads of great hints and tips on how we can take care of our planet! Each hint will have a very special pivit to go along with it! Join Tootsville now! Here's how to enter!
All you have to do is join Tootsville or create a new account by October 31, 2010! In the We Care Days there isn't just a Wii that you can win....there will be 100 other prizes to win! Making a Tootsville account will enter you into a drawing where you have a chance to win one of the 100 prizes, or maybe the grand prize, the Wii! When you make your account make sure to check this box!!!!!!
In other news, in the past few days toots just like you have been hosting their own partay's! Just yesterday I went to one and you might have been there. Monkeydudes party was a blast! Mayor Louis, Golden Peanut, Superstar, and of course, Monkeydude were there! We all got a rare special Chicken Leg pivit that was only handed out at the party. But sadly, Shade came and took Louis :0( Now, you might be thinking, "Wow! How do I get to have my very own patay!?" Well, here's your answer! If you want to host your own partay in Tootsville all you have to do is email Tootsville at and arrange a date, time, and world to have your partay in! At your partay a rare pivit, and of course, magic toots will be there! Oh, and watch out for Shade to! He likes to crash parties.....
More new things are coming to Tootsville such as a brand new quest featuring one of Shade's Shadows, Smudge!

Luckily Tootsville has invented a machine called the T1000 Super Smudge Vac!

That's all for now!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Artwork for Haiti Submission Page!

A couple days ago I posted about the Artwork for Haiti project that Club Penguin is hosting. I also said that the submission page will be out sometime this week....and it is! Submitting your drawing is easy! All you have to do is scan your drawing and upload it to the form. Enter your penguin username and check some boxes! Make sure your drawing follows the requirements that Club Penguin tells you what you should have in your drawing.
To submit your drawing go to Club Penguin's blog and they will have a link there. Scroll down a little to see the post about the Artwork for Haiti announcement.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
New Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades Catalogs!
The August-September issue of the Better Igloos Catalog is out! Here are the rockin hidden item cheats!
To get to this catalog all you need to do is log in and go to your igloo. Click on the "Edit Igloos" icon then click on the "Buy Items" icon. Check out the newest section of the catalog: Create your Furniture!
To get to this catalog all you need to do is log in and go to your igloo. Click on the "Edit Igloos" icon then click on the "Buy Items" icon. Check out the newest section of the catalog: Create your Furniture!

For the first cheat in the catalog click to the second page and click on the top circle thing on the Modern Art, circled in orange.

Once you have clicked in that area you will get the Climbing Wall!
The next cheat you will find on the next page. Click on the bottom of the Wall Speaker.

Here you will get the Quarter Note!
Stay on this page and click on the middle part of the DJ Table. Here you will get the Drum Kit!

Click to the next page to find your next hidden item. Click on the circled square on the Disc Ball and you will find a Guitar Stand!

Stay on the same page and click on the word Disco. Here you will find some Lanterns!

Another hidden item is on this page. Click on the Eighth Note and you will find a Music Stand!

Thats all the newest cheats for the Better Igloos Catalog! Go to the Igloo Upgrades Catalog and check out this cool new Cozy Cottage igloo!

If you need last months cheats for the Better Igloo Catalog click here!
Anyways, the Penguin Times announces that the Sensei says he is planning some big things for ninjas coming up in the next couple of months! Also, Club Penguins favorite fair is coming on September 3th! I can't wait!
Anyways, the Penguin Times announces that the Sensei says he is planning some big things for ninjas coming up in the next couple of months! Also, Club Penguins favorite fair is coming on September 3th! I can't wait!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
New Things In Tootsville
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been posting in a couple days! Spending time with a friend.... Anyways since I was gone, I have missed alot of things! Especially in Tootsville! You probably already know all of what I'm about to tell you but TOO BAD! READ IT ANYWAY!!!
As you might have known there are some cool bean bags to buy at Toots Idol! Oh, btw can anyone tell me why bean bags are for sale at Toots Idol? Lol.

Well thats the scoop that I've heard so far! Also, something that you might have not known... the battle is in 14 days! I'm SSOO glad I didn't miss it!
Theres nothing really new on Club Penguin except for the normal stuff. (Reviewed By You, New Field Op, etc.) I wasn't planning on posting that since you might already know about that, but if you want me to post it I will be more then happy to!
Theres nothing really new on Club Penguin except for the normal stuff. (Reviewed By You, New Field Op, etc.) I wasn't planning on posting that since you might already know about that, but if you want me to post it I will be more then happy to!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Club Penguin Artwork for Haiti!!
You remember the devastating earthquake that occurred in Haiti last January, right? Since the earthquake, tons of foundations and organizations have been made to donate medicine, clothes, food, and much more to other people in need in Haiti. Your own school has probably helped donate things to Haiti, and that's awesome! Even today, months after the earthquake, people around the world are still giving back....and this includes Club Penguin!

1. Draw between two and four penguins playing together.
2. Draw the picture taking place outdoors.
3. Draw the penguins with only one or two simple items. Like hats and scarves!
4. Try using five colors or less.
5. Use any art style you like! Pencils, pens, and paints are great!
1. Include any personal information (like an address).
2. Use any words.
3. Use anyone else's picture.
4. Draw large or complicated items. (No Squidzoids!)
Club Penguin will be putting up a submission page next week! Wow!! This is awesome!! Happy drawing! ;0)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Toot Troop and Shade T-shirts!!

Mountain Expedition is Here!!
The Mountain Expedition is here! To get to the event, go to the Ski Village then waddle under the Mountain Expedition sign!

Once you do that you will be in this room:

In here there is a free item! The free item is to the right of the Supply Booth, I circled it in red. You can also see the yellow arrows I put thats pointing to the opening where penguins are. There, members can enter the Mountain Expedition.

Also, before you enter the Expedition, remember to get the proper equipment on! There is a catalog on the very bottom right of your screen.

Don't forget to earn a Stamp or two on this trip! There are 2 Stamps to be earned on this Expedition. One, you have to make 10 penguins do the smile emotion. The other one is a members only Stamp, all you have to do is complete a puzzle in the Expedition!
Good luck on the Expedition members! Sorry I can't post the cheats to complete the Mountain Expedition :( Go to Mimo's Blog if you need a walk through!
Good luck on the Expedition members! Sorry I can't post the cheats to complete the Mountain Expedition :( Go to Mimo's Blog if you need a walk through!
Mountain Expedition News!

In this weeks Club Penguin Times there is more news about the Mountain Expedition! A hiker gives us more details on what MEMBERS will be facing on the Expedition. He tells us that MEMBERS aren't climbing the Tallest Mountain, they are climbing to toughest mountain! MEMBERS need the proper equipment for climbing this dangerous, challenging mountain. The hiker also said that MEMBERS can earn Stamps on this Expedition! The climb of your life will start later today and last till August 18th! And, as you can see, the Mountain Expedition is for MEMBERS only ;0( But, everyone can help out at the Supply Camp...
In other news, Club Penguin is talking about igloos! All new igloo catalogs and igloo music are coming your way on August 20th! So that means....check here on the 20th for some rockin igloo cheats!!

In other news, Club Penguin is talking about igloos! All new igloo catalogs and igloo music are coming your way on August 20th! So that means....check here on the 20th for some rockin igloo cheats!!

Check back here today because the special limited edition of Toot Troop and Shade t-shirts are coming later today in Tootsville! Keep in mind that they won't be sold at the Mall....
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Construction Update!
Remember when I posted about "The New Tootsville" and I mentioned about the construction area that is replacing Toot Travel? Well, the Toot Engineers are working to getting whatever they are building, built! Heres what it looks like now!

As you can see, there is a new free item! The hammer pivit! The mayor said this week will be a very busy week in Tootsville! New items will be launching, and hopefully we get the construction done! You also might have heard about the big battle between Shade and his Shadows vs. Louis and his Toot Troop! Special editions of Toot Troop and Shade t-shirts will be sold in Tootsville sometime this week! Make sure you buy one to show which side you are on! Let's get ready to battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can see, there is a new free item! The hammer pivit! The mayor said this week will be a very busy week in Tootsville! New items will be launching, and hopefully we get the construction done! You also might have heard about the big battle between Shade and his Shadows vs. Louis and his Toot Troop! Special editions of Toot Troop and Shade t-shirts will be sold in Tootsville sometime this week! Make sure you buy one to show which side you are on! Let's get ready to battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By You!
Last week Club Penguin wanted to know what challenges you would be facing on the Mountain Expedition. Dry Ice124 said:
I always love new things on Club Penguin. I also love exploring new things. I'm going to love the mountain exploration. I wish there would be challenges to face and solve for the event. Maybe like saving or helping other penguin on the mountain or exploring new parts and places of the mountain like a cave or tunnel! There's going to be a lot of exploration and adventure! I'm so excited!!
Wow! I hope your right! This week, Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite igloo to decorate is. Answer in a comment on CP's blog and get a chance to get your answer shown on the blog and win 10,000 coins!

I always love new things on Club Penguin. I also love exploring new things. I'm going to love the mountain exploration. I wish there would be challenges to face and solve for the event. Maybe like saving or helping other penguin on the mountain or exploring new parts and places of the mountain like a cave or tunnel! There's going to be a lot of exploration and adventure! I'm so excited!!
Wow! I hope your right! This week, Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite igloo to decorate is. Answer in a comment on CP's blog and get a chance to get your answer shown on the blog and win 10,000 coins!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
New Club Penguin Field Op!!
The new Field Op is here! Here is the walkthrough on how to do this weeks Field Op:
Log into Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", this takes you to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there waddle over to the Field Op screen. Click on the screen and you will see this:

Someone has been messing with Club Penguin's coin supply! We must investigate all the cash registers in the island.

Log into Club Penguin and click on your blinking Spy Phone. Click "Go There", this takes you to the EPF Command Room. Once you are there waddle over to the Field Op screen. Click on the screen and you will see this:

Someone has been messing with Club Penguin's coin supply! We must investigate all the cash registers in the island.

The cash register that we are looking for is at the Stadium! Teleport to the Stadium and waddle over to the cash register at the snacks booth. Go next to the cash register and your Spy Phone should start to blink green. Click on your Spy Phone and solve the puzzle!! It isn't new so it should be pretty easy. Once you finish the puzzle you will get your medal!
Check back here today for some news about Tootsville!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Joke Contest!
Joke Contest time!! Todays Monday and we all know what that means......Joke Contest results!!!
In a tie for third place...BDBDBDBDB...Pohatcong and Radrocks!
In a tie for second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDB...Viviana and Harley!!
And now...coming in first place is a tie...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Tootmilk and Naftx!!!
Nice jokes everyone! Congratz to the winners! And, as usual, the winners got peanuts! Tootfairy will be back at 10PM Eastern for a game!
In a tie for third place...BDBDBDBDB...Pohatcong and Radrocks!
In a tie for second place...BDBDBDBDBDBDB...Viviana and Harley!!
And now...coming in first place is a tie...BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD...Tootmilk and Naftx!!!
Nice jokes everyone! Congratz to the winners! And, as usual, the winners got peanuts! Tootfairy will be back at 10PM Eastern for a game!
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tonight we had some fun with Tootfairy and Stu! We all played May We Cross the Wall of Toots and a new game called So You think You Can Move! In that game we would all go to one side of the field and Tootfairy would call out certain actions. What you have to do is walk across the field by doing those actions in order before you reach the end of the field. It was pretty fun! Congratz to Blueberrita and Darkangels for winning! Here are some pictures that I took.
Tootfairy is coming back here at 10:30 Eastern! She said to meet her at Toots Idol with your best outfit! Also there is a party at the Soccer Field tomorrow at 6PM Eastern! Stu will be there!
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